April was another intense month for me. Just a few weeks after the Kyoto LocJAM workshop, I was back on stage for the LocWorld game localization round table in Tokyo. I also took this chance to meet pairs at the Tokyo Indies event taking place at the same time. I wish I could join such gatherings more often!
Back to the LocWorld, I was there to give a presentation about tools I am using as a translator to be more productive. You will find it below, together with my usual selection of links for the month. A lot of interesting content, including interviews with some of the biggest names of game localization history. Enjoy the read!
Victor Ireland of GAIJINWORKS Talks Localization – A very complete interview with one of the legends of our industry. Lots of topics covered and fascinating stories
Translation and Localization: How Idea Factory International Finds a Balance
Adventures in Game Localization ? Talk & Play #18
Star Ocean 5’s Producer on Localization Challenges and the Future of Console JRPGs
The Game Translator’fs Toolkit, Or How to Boost Your Productivity – Presented during the LocWorld game localization round table, a few useful software/utilities for translators
What’s In a Name ? SMTIV: Final and Localizing a Name – A short but interesting article about game title localization
Hyperdimension Neptunia Editor Nick Doerr Talks Localization
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim – Localization Blog #2 – More localization insights from XSEED Games
Localizing Video Games for Different Markets Is a Minefield
Group discussion font size adaptation based on content length
Another discussion on localization of attack names for fighting games
The Father of Modern Localization – On Ted Woolsey’s work at Square, and how he influenced the industry