Some translators reported the error message “Name cannot begin with the ‘”‘ character, hexadecimal value 0x22. Row 1, position 144” occasionally shows up when they are trying to save target .doc files from SDL Trados Studio 2011/2014.
The problem is apparently caused by Trados not handling comments very well inside .sdlxliff files. The fix here is pretty simple: save your comments separately and delete them from Trados.
As an alternative solution if if this tip doesn’t seem to work, you can also try to change the format of the source file (for example to .rtf) and then retranslate the document using your TM. Use it only as a backup solution, a the formatting may end up looking a bit different.
In general, Trados comments and .doc files are not very good friends. Comments are one of the suspects you will want to inspect closely whenever with have issues with saving target Word files from .sdlxliff.