Translation plays a crucial role in the global fight against COVID-19 and other pandemics. In times of crisis, clear and accurate communication is essential in order to effectively respond to the needs of communities, both domestically and internationally. From public…
The Impact of Remote Work on Translation Businesses
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we work and has accelerated the trend towards remote work. The translation industry is no exception, with many translation businesses shifting towards remote work in response to the pandemic. The impact of…
The Basics of French Inclusive Writing
Language plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions and attitudes towards different groups of people. As such, it is important to use language that is respectful and non-discriminatory in order to create a more inclusive society. In this article,…
Top 10 Benefits Of Developing Globally And Internationalizing Your Products
By internationalizing your products, you can gain a number of significant benefits in terms of localization time and costs when you decide to, say, translate your software strings into French or any other language. Always plan globally to make the…
10 Ways To Save Money When Purchasing Translation Services
This excellent article was originally written by the much-regretted José Henrique Lamensdorf, a freelance translator colleague who was always an incredibly kind and useful member of our community. He has helped hundreds of translators address difficult challenges in our industry,…
False Friends Or The Illusion That Translation Is Easy
The following post was originally shared by an English-Spanish translator colleague, but sadly not available anymore. Since I found the content very relevant to other language pairs as well, I am publishing it here as well. Translating is easy if… we…
How Translating Your Website Can Help Boost Your Search Traffic/SEO
If you have been involved in internet marketing for some time, then you’re probably already familiar with most of the SEO techniques that are effective in boosting your site’s ranking. With the advent of internet marketing blogs and abundance of…
Japenglish / Wasei-Eigo: A List Of Japanese False Friends
The original list was compiled by keiichiro, a Japanese national who’s spent a couple of years in the United States and noted a growing number of Japenglish (or Wasei-eigo) terms. Since the original website is down, I have recreated the…
Does Knowing Another Language Give You a Richer Vocabulary in Your Mother Tongue?
Originally shared by Rebekka Wellmanns As as freelance translator dealing with languages daily, I wonder if knowing another language makes you a language snob i.e. do you start to use ‘bigger’ words in your mother tongue when you are learning…
Preparing Your Video Game For Localization
Originally written by Jan Nedoma. In our time, the world is getting smaller. Thanks to multinational corporations you’ll see the same goods in the shops in many countries all around the world, you’ll see the same TV show on TV…