This problem occasionally happens when you are trying to open and work with Word files in SDL Trados Studio 2011/2014. After you select your file, Trados displays an error window, with either “The file you are opening does not contain…
[Fix] Trados Studio 2011/2014 Name cannot begin with the ‘”‘ character, hexadecimal value 0x22. Row 1, position 144
Some translators reported the error message “Name cannot begin with the ‘”‘ character, hexadecimal value 0x22. Row 1, position 144” occasionally shows up when they are trying to save target .doc files from SDL Trados Studio 2011/2014. The problem is…
Another Example of SDL’s Terrible Support (Trados Studio 2015 Thread on Proz)
I already mentioned what I thought of SDL’s support in my short review of Trados Studio 2014. Whenever you ask for a bug fix or a feature that seems slightly beyond the reach of the developers, the conversation soon turns…
SDL Trados Studio 2014 Review
Here is my short review of SDL Trados 2014. It is aimed at translators who already have a good understanding of what CAT tools are and how they work. Going over each and every feature of SDL Trados Studio 2014…
Fix Number Localization in SDL Trados Studio 2014
Number localization is a common issue in SDL Trados Studio 2014 and previous versions. The problem is apparently that the software uses your system default locale’s number writing system for your translations. First, try Studio’s options Tweaking some of the…
Fix: (40007): Error reading TTX file: Expected end of tag ‘Raw’
This is one of the really annoying issues that happen every once in a while, when you’re working on .ttx files in SDL Trados Studio 2011 or 2014: everything goes well in Studio, until you generate the target .ttx and…
Dear SDL, make Trados Studio 2014 work with .ttx files
I guess it’s a little late for Christmas wishlists, but here’s one big request I have for the programmers of SDL: please make .ttx files work with Trados Studio 2014 correctly. I know that, officially, Trados supports ttx files. It…
Switching back from Reviewed/In Sign-off status in Trados Studio 2011
I had yet another issue with Trados Studio 2011 recently. For a translation project, I was asked to deliver files with the “Translated” status. So I used this tip to make sure all was fine, and analyzed all of my…
Trados Studio Packages (.sdlppx) Taking Time to Load
SDL Trados Studio can be quite slow to execute some tasks that shouldn’t be all that complex. Take packages (.sdlppx files) for example. They’re essentially a bunch of project files bundled together – nothing too different from what you’d get…
How to Solve Error 31102 “Key too long” in Trados 2007 (.iix file issue)
I love Dropbox, it’s a saved my translator’s life or at least made it much simpler a great number of times. But today it caused me a little bit of trouble. While I was translating, the software decided to lock…